on orders over £115
on orders over £95 (BT15, BT36, BT37 & Greenisland ONLY)
on orders over £150
BalatonBor is made from Olaszrizling, a drinkable and at the same time substantial Balaton wine, primarily for gastronomy and regional sales. BalatonBor is the first regional wine brand in Hungary based on a cooperative of producers, which is why we can rightly say that it is “Balaton Bora”. BalatonBor is a joint product of the Balatoni Kör and the Rizling Generation, but anyone who meets the conditions can make it. In addition to the objective parameters, the quality of the product is guaranteed by a judging committee convened by the Balaton Circle and the Riesling Generation. BalatonBor can only be made from wines that pass the wine evaluation.
Pare with grilled food, salads.
3 in stock